
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

les verbes -er (listening practice for quiz DEMAIN)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

DEVOIRS - la Conversation - écrivez!

Use this audio clip to practice your dictée and vocabulary/spelling skills.

Listen and write what you hear, line by line so it looks like a conversation. 
Then, go back and CORRECT what you have written with a RED PEN.
(Corrections can be found on pages 1&2 of packet #1.)
Pass this in tomorrow.  If it has not been corrected, you will not receive any credit. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Devoirs - révisez les verbes

Below you will find a photo of pictures that correspond to the audio file.  Look at the pictures, follow along by listening and repeating the verbs that match each numbered picture. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015

la France en février

While France gets the vast majority of its annual visitors in the summer and early fall months, February can be an ideal time to visit the country. Not only will you find the best deals on flights to France in February and early March; you’ll also find yourself among locals rather than tourists at many popular attractions.
While there are fewer celebrations, festivals and special events happening during these months, it is also the best time to get deep discounts at cheap hotels in France and land incredible deals on airfare to France.
It’s also a great time to breeze through short or non-existent lines at museums and other attractions. This is also the time of the year when Paris and other French towns and cities are owned by the locals, giving you the perfect opportunity to get in touch with local life in France.

Reasons to go to France in February

    • Enjoy the quiet of low travel season and avoid long lines at museums and attractions
    • February is the peak of the skiing season
    • Low rates on lodging and airfare
    France’s centuries old Carnaval, which predates New Orleans’ Mardi Gras (depending on when Easter happens)
    • Enjoy Valentine’s Day in the most romantic city in the world

Winter Weather in France

Chillier temperatures are one of the reasons you find fewer tourists in France during the winter months. While the south of France and Cote d’Azur tend to be more mild, the cold winter winds called the Mistral can even make these sunnier regions on the frigid side.
Paris tends to be damp and cold in the winter, and while snow will fall occasionally, you’ll usually see temperatures hovering above 0 degrees C, or in the 40s F.
Of course, you’ll also find snowy, cold conditions in the mountains, where skiing in popular.
If you pack accordingly and bundle up, however, the weather in France in the winter isn’t inhospitable. 

Skiing in France
Chamonix, ski là si tu peux (ski there if you can)


France is renowned for its world class ski resorts located high in the snowy peaks of the Alps. Val Thorens in the Alps is Europe’s highest resort; this resort has snow pack early in the season and is already near to being in full-swing by December. Chamonix and Tignes’ high elevations and year-round glaciers also make for fantastic ski conditions, especially by February.
>>Read more about skiing in France

le 2 février - la Chandeleur

Another good reason to make and eat crêpes!
The Catholic holiday of Candlemas, on 2 February, is a feast to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of baby Jesus. In France, this holiday is called la Chandeleur, Fête de la Lumière,* or jour des crêpes.

Not only do the French eat a lot of crêpes on Chandeleur, but they also do a bit of fortune telling while making them. It is traditional to hold a coin in your writing hand and a crêpe pan in the other, and flip the crêpe into the air. If you manage to catch the crêpe in the pan, your family will be prosperous for the rest of the year.

There are all kinds of French proverbs and sayings for Chandeleur; here are just a few. Note the similarities to the Groundhog Day predictions made in the US and Canada:
À la Chandeleur, l'hiver cesse ou reprend vigueur
On Candlemas, winter ends or strengthens
À la Chandeleur, le jour croît de deux heures
On Candlemas, the day grows by two hours
Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte
Candlemas covered (in snow), forty days lost
Rosée à la Chandeleur, hiver à sa dernière heure
Dew on Candlemas, winter at its final hour

les Pronoms "C": Remplacez les sujets

Click on the picture above and then choose the activity that you would like to use to practice.

Look at the given subject and write the appropriate subject/personal pronoun.  Be careful!!

les Pronoms "B"

Use this review to see if you know which pronoun to use if you are talking TO someone or ABOUT someone.  Click on the picture below and then choose the activity that you would like to use to practice.

les Pronoms "A"

Practice subject pronouns by clicking on the image above.

Then, choose the activity that you would like to use to practice.

la ville de Poitiers, France

Click on the words below the picture to watch the video.

dictée #4 le 4 février