
Monday, November 10, 2014

la Phonologie - les notes (SAS)

Here is a review of all of the Phonologie notes that we have learned about so far this year.  They should all be in your SAS Flashcards and you should be reviewing them regularly.  I will also try to put together a deck on SAS and share that with you to help you review.
**Here is the recording of the sounds listed below:

A (ah)
I (ee)
E (euh) --> Je
EU (euh)
U (ew - a short sound, like a monkey)
O (oh, uh)
EAU, AU (oh)
OU (oo)  --> Vous
OI (wah) --> Toi, Moi
CH (sh)
GU (hard g because the 'u' is silent)
ç (ss) --> ça va?
QU (K because the 'u' is silent) --> quatre (4)
é (ay) --> enchanté
è (eh)
ê (eh)
R (roll your r's)
H (always silent) --> Thomas
NASAL SOUNDS (a vowel before an M or an N sounds like your nose is plugged)
   examples: UN (1), bONjour, biEN
Most final letters are silent
S sounds like Z when surrounded by vowels  -->Rose
Other combinations that sound like "ay":
ai (ay) ex. J'ai, français
-er (ay) ex. écouter, regarder
-et (ay) ex. ballet, bouquet, paquet
les, des, mes, tes, ses, ces (ay)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Dictée #4 - révisez

Les Numéros/Les Chiffres (Numbers)

Listen to the numbers in order and repeat after me.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

listen to ‘les numéros 0 à 21’ on Audioboo

If there are still some numbers that are giving you trouble,
click here to listen to some hints on how to remember some
of the trickier ones.

Once you think you know your numbers, click on the links below to test your knowledge.
Open your notebook (or on a separate piece of paper), click on the "Listen" box, and write the lists of numbers that you hear.  Play the recording a few times if you want.  THEN, click on the "List" box and check your answers.

Send me a comment (French first name only and Period #) telling me how you did!

Bon courage!

listen to ‘les numéros 0 à 21 (hints for pronunciation)’ on Audioboo

This link allows you to listen to and practice one number (1-19) at a time if there are certain numbers that are giving you trouble.

Challenge yourself with the game listed below.  Note that this game contains the numbers 1-20.


Révisez et jouez! (Play!) Les numéros 0-21

Révisez et jouez! (review and play)
Click on the link below and do some of the activities. Quizlet is an online flashcard site where you can (1) learn how to recognize the vocabulary word in written form, (2)practice it by playing games and (3) test yourself.


L'homme pendu (Les numéros 1-20) - Hangman

Play hangman to test your spelling of the numbers from 1-20.
Just CLICK on the link below.

l'homme pendu